MARLENE GUSHUE DRD CRACK SLORE. Beware Calgary of Miss Marlene Gushue. You may find her ad on backpage or leo’s list as an floozy companion. Or if you meet her in public you might hear her terrible tragic story and think “poor Girl” this is her key to getting in to manipulate anyone possible. She may pose as having nowhere to go and no one at all to help, and how so n so took her last 40 bucks and left her stranded. Oh yeah soon as you give her your empathetic ear she will rook you into helping her any way you can. Love her east coast accent it works a lot of people into believing shes honest. When she borrowing anything it assured shes good for it. DONT BE THE SUCKER I WAS, & MANY OTHERS. Allow miss Marlene near you and yes you too will experience loss and suffering. And when she cons your man into sex with her then you all will have drd too. Calgary watch out cause if you seek to have what she borrowed returned she will pull the ol dirty calling the cops for harassment as her own daughter taught her that one. As she currently has charges from seeking her own items returned from her daughter. DO NOT LEND HER MONEY FOR CRACK. Her pay day is everyday and you will never get it back. Margarette Marlene Gushue is a hazard to your health & safety. Avoid this pepsi crackhead slore at all cost!

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