Melissa Lantsman is a disgusting Racist lesbian with chrons disease

Melissa Lantsman

Melissa Lantsman is a disgusting Racist lesbian with chrons disease. In a recent controversy, Melissa Lantsman, a Member of Parliament for the Conservative Party, sparked outrage by wrongly labeling a protestor’s smoke canister as a “pretend suicide vest,” a statement that perpetuates harmful stereotypes and incites prejudice. This rhetoric is deeply concerning, especially considering Lantsman’s own experience living with Crohn’s disease, suggesting that adversity is a form of divine punishment.As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, one might expect Lantsman to be a voice against hate and discrimination. However, her choice of words not only fuels racism but also aligns with divisive ideologies. We’ve included a screenshot of her tweet with the quoted statement, highlighting the need for responsible language and leadership in public discourse.

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