Mike Sandbach Leach Looser Sandbach Bumming Once Again

Mike Sandbach Leach Looser Sandbach Bumming Once Again

Mike Sandbach Leach Looser Sandbach Bumming Once Again. Nick here we have Michael Sandbach, a using lieing cry baby b1tch who uses woman for a roof over his head. Hes comes across very fortunate and helps for a bit then goes into blaming his who fuked up life on his family and is really a washed up junky thief. His claims of knowing anyone is false , while he manipulates you to feel sorry for him. Looks like he found a new victim. He lived off of me and my parents for over a year and when my father said hes gotta go , he started telling people we were drug addicts meth heads. The two face goof , would steal from my parents and eat chips and cry how his family wont help him and abandoned him. He even claimed to have hep c from banging dope , for sympathy or something. Who knows but hes now sucking up another woman and her kids that are going to be left high and dry once he dosen’t get what he wants. The fuking bum has been on welfare for years with zero problems working , just a looser mooching off the hard working tax payers. Watch your wallet s ladies this tattooed wimp is a bum and a on off again hard drug user. As a pathological liar. Hes abandoned his son for drugs and himself. He travels and manipulates valley wide watch for his cry baby tear drop tattoo bye his eye. . Don’t get to know his family ladies there as two faced as he his, but don’t forget he told people he had drds using needles , this woman better get tested. As stop babysitting her boyfriend,

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