Narcissist from Tulsa Oklahoma

Narcissist from Tulsa

Narcissist from Tulsa Oklahoma. This man right here is a pure Narcissist and he stays in Tulsa Oklahoma. But he not from Oklahoma. He from Florida, Milwaukee, and New York . I was in a relationship with this man for almost 4 years and things began to change Dec of last year when are lease was up and he got his own place . He a great manipulator and he likes to play mind games. He says they’re mental tun, Ups.. he basically used me to get we’re he is . And when he was done he thrown me away like someone trash . So don’t let the looks fool you . I can back up everything am saying I have the messages to prove the gaslighting and hurtful words and mental abuse. And yes I know most will ask why I stayed so long well I don’t know what a narcissist was up until a few months ago and plus am in love with this man .

Mike: Name?

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