Natasha Smithson Fake as They Get. 

Natasha Smithson

Natasha Smithson Fake as They Get. These girls are made up of fake boobs and fake lips. They also have fake nails, fake hair, fake eyes, fake hair, fake nails, and terrible tattoos. So she covers them with makeup. It looks awful. This girl is a complete fraud. She pretends to be dead people, and harasses those she knows who are sick or dying for her pure pleasure. She will steal your photos from family and friends and create fake accounts to attempt to find information on people she knows better than her. She has been a sex predator of her friends. Her husband was with a pretty girl from the reserve and she used r*cial slurs against her. If you’re not a R*cist or into fetty, do NOT support Envy Ink of Sarnia. Due to her anger issues, she has lost her children multiple times and is unable to get a decent job. Microblading was something she tried, but it was so bad that 2 girls sued her because she had ruined their eyebrows. It looks like someone has ruined hers. You can find her on Facebook as Tasha Chishholm, Natasha Smithson and Natasha Emerick. And those are her “real ones!” (The Tasha Chistholm account started the anti-mask group and people agaist lockdowns, while she was trying to find a job at a medical center.) So disturbing. She will be charged again and face losing her children. According to reports, she works at homehardware in russel street. She is accused of stealing from the stockroom with her sister angelica Smithson. This was for her aunt Donna, who owns the miller apartments and pays for Natasha’s home and upbringing due to her struggles with alcoholism and meth/abuse with her baby father Will. Maybe that is why she is now so sick. I hope you find help soon. Her ONLYF*NS number is [REDACTED]. The funds are needed by her, so she can do something for her family and pets. She was worried about her dog and decided to fund it. Two weeks later, she had enough money to pay for a botchy boob job. This is a terrible excuse for a pet owner and mother. Your priorities should be aligned better, hun. You are not liked by anyone for any reason. They will never.

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