Peru Morena Narcissistic Liar

Peru Morena

Peru Morena Narcissistic Liar.This women lies and uses men. She is a transgender women and does not tell her partners. She prays on 20 something men. I am 24 she lied about her age and I later found out she is near 40 years in age. but not only did she lie about her age but she never told me that she is a transgender women. I was new to the country and was excited to meet new people. I met Peru. After we had sex I found out she was transgender and not by her. I felt used and violated. not because she was transgender but because she was dishonest and she didn’t give me the choice. She told me she was something that she was not. Everything about her is a lie. I later found out that she also sells her body for sex. I immediately went and got tested. Really I was left feeling used, why would this person lie to me and use me. I thought we had a connection and I found out that it was all a lie. Her actions are Narcissistic and she needs professional help.

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