PETER KOZIOL – A Person NOT Have Anytype Of Relationship With Because Of Very Questionable Ethics!!!!!


PETER KOZIOL – A Person NOT Have Anytype Of Relationship With Because Of Very Questionable Ethics!!!!!. Peter Koziol believes the world owes him a free ride and tries at every turn to rip people off no matter the legalities or consequences of his actions as long as he benefits from this. This has proven to be true for any relationship he has had whether it is business, personal or romantic! Beware of this man. He had the gall to walk into [REDACTED] lie and sign documents to change the ownership of a company without notification to rightful owners, then walk into bank and change account to his name only just to benefit him and him alone. Truly regret the day I met this man. Don’t let the smile fool you! Be very cautious in any dealings with this person as he has no empathy towards you if he has wronged you

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