Richie Armento, The Multiple Gf Sociopath. Richie was my boyfriend for nearly a year, and I discovered that he had been cheating on me with 2 other women. Richie is a pathological liar. He would pretend to work late at the hospital to make time for his sleeping with other women. He would send flowers to us all with the same note (we all met on social media), which he doesn’t have to do to cheat. His future girlfriends are now experiencing the same thing, and he somehow managed to track me down and his other ex. He does the same thing, has no respect for women, and cannot express legitimate emotion. We believe he is a sociopath undiagnosed. He could fall to the ground for days, then blame his phone or lose it. He can tell lies about anything! Worst of all, he can lie his way around anything, even when caught on multiple occasions by women. He is not a cheater and should be avoided. For more information, he is a medical sales representative and was formerly a baseball player at [REDACTED].
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