Sandeep GILL crazy manipulative 30 year old. I’ve had money stolen and had to deal with court I’ve gotten taken advantage of I’m really embarrassed to share who I am, but I want to warn women out there . when I was with this person, there was multiple pictures of women on his camera wall it was concerning I have no idea he likes having them saved and just recently I’ve had fake accounts of me made really inappropriate and then he takes it down when my friends call him telling him that we’re gonna get police involved I needed huge support in this state .
He’s very very manipulative and a lot of red flags that I unfortunately missed . he’s not loyal, if you’re considering getting in a relationship with him he’s always talking to a another woman behind your back
He is active on Facebook the most . That’s where he finds girls the most here’s a little picture below he uses this for basically everything . he thinks that’s sexy …
Sandeep gill
Mike: Nice pic, will definitely recognize him if he wears the same filter on the street.
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