Siseneg from Lakeland Florida is a dental assistant who stalks people

Siseneg from Lakeland

Siseneg from Lakeland Florida is a dental assistant who stalks people. Formal Complaint Regarding Harassment and Stalking by Dental Assistant Siseneg

I am writing to file a formal complaint regarding the alarming behavior of a dental assistant named Siseneg, employed at your dental office in Lakeland, Florida. During my recent visits to your establishment, I have been subjected to persistent harassment and unwarranted attention from Siseneg, which has escalated into outright stalking.

On multiple occasions, Siseneg has made inappropriate comments and gestures towards me, creating a hostile environment during what should be routine dental appointments. Her behavior has ranged from unwanted advances to invasive personal questions, all of which have made me extremely uncomfortable and reluctant to return for future appointments.

Moreover, the situation has escalated to the point where Siseneg has begun to stalk me outside of the dental office. She has been observed following me to my car after appointments and even showing up unexpectedly at locations unrelated to the dental office. This behavior is not only unprofessional but also deeply concerning for my safety and well-being.

I demand that immediate action be taken to address this issue and ensure that Siseneg is held accountable for her actions. I expect a thorough investigation into her behavior and appropriate disciplinary measures to be taken in accordance with your company’s policies.

Furthermore, I request assurances that steps will be taken to prevent any further contact or harassment from Siseneg. This may include reassignment to a different role within the company or termination of her employment if necessary.

I trust that you will take this matter seriously and act swiftly to resolve it. Failure to do so will leave me with no choice but to escalate this complaint to the appropriate authorities and seek legal recourse.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.

Mike: Wait, you are submitting a formal complaint at DirtyReboot? lol

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