Tasia Zazweta wrecking homes in Pocatello ID

Tasia Zazweta

Tasia Zazweta wrecking homes in Pocatello ID. Ladies meet Tasia Zazweta…loudly located in Pocatello, id. This little girl has no problem chasing married men .. sleeping with them… Taking them home after her bar shift ends and then sending them home to their wives and newborn baby and thinks it’s all fun and games! She herself has a baby and a baby daddy who gets the short end of her scandalous actions whenever she gets mad at him. Make her damn famous! Apparently the “after parties” once the bars close down keep things going on til the wee hours of the morning for this sad excuse of a woman. so if your husbands are hanging out at the office bar and not coming home before, or shortly after bar time closing! now you have an idea of just where he may be ✌️

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