Tiffany Lynn Gomez

Tiffany Lynn Gomez

Tiffany Lynn Gomez. This nasty trash sleeps with married men as a preference. She slept with a married attorney and he lost his law license because of her. Google Tiffany turnmire and Shawn Clark. Years later and she’s at it again. She slept with a married man. She knew he was with his wife for 16 years and they have kids. She’s trying to get a pay day again but it won’t happen. She had unprotected sex with him knowing she is positive for drds! It’s absolutely criminal. She is also a meth user who is attempting to be a counselor in North Carolina. Why would an active meth head want to be a drug counselor? She’s also a convicted felon who lost custody of her kids. She’s just a HORRIBLE person. Ladies, keep you husbands and kids far away from this nasty drd filled trash!!

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