Windsors Dirty Dan

Windsors Dirty Dan

Windsors Dirty Dan. Daniel Lazarus of Windsor.
A man child who is the definition of financially, emotionally and sexually abusive.
Has a history of using females for money, has no desire or plans to ever get or keep a job, he’s been “going back to school” for over 4 years now and has yet to even attend or try and finish high school (as a almost 28 year old), he will tell you allllll about his job he use to have and how “successful” he was, without mentioning he only kept said job for TWO WEEKS before being fired for lying about even having a high school diploma to obtain the job.
A proud sex addict who will talk his way into sex even after you’ve said no multiple times, multiple females he’s been with have said they felt he used them as sex dolls basically
He’s still obsessed with his ex and will go running to her any opportunity he gets, a major cheater.
Never went to his stillborn child’s funeral and even said the site of her would make him vomit, claims he wasn’t ever told or allowed to go and be apart of it yet screenshots that have come out from his ex show otherwise

Oh, and he will use his mental health against you at any opportunity to create a situation where no matter what he did or what’s happening, he is the victim.
Run ladies

Mike: The eyes are crazy

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