When I joined the gym, I wasn’t informed that I can freeze my account and still pay an amount of 33% while the account is being frozen. I froze my account beginning of this year for a period of 3 months. About a month back they debit my 33% of my original fee an the money was debit gorm my account but they claim that they haven‘t received it, beginning of April, I went in to the gym to unfreeze my account so that I can gym again, an to my surprise i find out that i have to may extra to unfreeze my account for them not receiving my initial payment that went off on my account. NOTE, I never received an sms nor a phone call with regards to any of that. When I told the lady infront by the reception area, I was told that they did send a Sms an they don’t call for any follow up. I then made it clear to her that I haven‘t received any form of communication and all I got from her was, ‘ WELL WE DID SEND A SMS, YOU WILL JUST HAVE TO PAY IT IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE GYMING HERE. I immediately cancelled my account cause I did not appreciate her tone nor the way I was spoken to an she never even apologized instead she juts laughed with a colleague when I asked to cancel.

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