I am writing this email with a sore heart and a big hole through my wallet, my pocket also.

I am a member of zone fitness, I have not been given the service that I am paying for.  The problem is, I work from 07:30 to 16:00, by the time I go to the gym

Which will be around  about 17:45, there will be a long line for people to enter the gym,   waiting for the ones inside to come out.

The problem is the is no way that people are being monitored on how long they are inside the gym so that all of us can be accommodated. The is gym members who

Come to the gym and by 5 pm they are still there, those whole hours they have spent there some of us could have entered inside.  As a gym member you for more than 30min

Just to go inside.

My gym time is from 5 to 6, what the point of me going inside if I have to spent because I still need to go home.

My suggestion please can management implement a new strategy to monitor people who are inside not to spend more than an hour, so that people like me can also have a chance in the gym.

Another issue why can’t management open other classes, instead off the morning and the 5 o clock class, we need at least a 3 to 4, 4 to 5 and 6 to 7, so that we are also accommodated.

Keep in mind while I don’t get the chance to gym the premiums are being deducted from my bank.  We all understand it tough times, Covid is still a problem but I am  paying for the gym that I cannot access.

Paying or the service that I cannot get is not a joke. Another problem your fitness instructors cannot refuse to conduct a class because we are paying for the service for them to tell us as gym members they cant

Carry on with or give us lame excuses it not on (this happened T Phillipi zonefitness on the 26.01.2021)  even if there 5 members who came for the class they have no right to refuse to conduct the lass because there Is less people.

My whole experience with zone is not  pleasant and I feel zone staff members need to keep in mind we are paying customer, management also needs with new ways to accommodate us.

Another suggestion maybe open a communication where members can say that please freeze my membership for the month and no deductions must go through, or a month to month contract.

I am looking forward to get a response from the management of zone.

Noluntu Qengwa membership number [protected] [protected]

Wela ma Awu membership number  [protected]

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